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who is the best divorce allen attorney?

this guy

You know it is true, there are questions in life that only your mother can answer. And for the rest, she turns to the Interwebs.

Where she finds:

Natale Gregg


I Was In Prison

Jeremy Gregg

Attorney in Plano

best Allen divorce attorney

top Attorney in Dallas

best Family Law McKinney

Madeleine Gregg

all did up

Daddy’s Timeout

top Family Law Denton

best Family Law Plano

Texan Divorce

best Attorney in Allen

Gregg and Turton

Gregg Legal

Daddy’s time out

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maddie gregg

Maddie Gregg

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jeremy gregg ted

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harper gregg


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daddys time-out

daddys timeout

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harper gregg


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Mama is now so happy!

get dressed, get well, get divorced, catch hell


But how was i to know that what was once such a delicate rose would transmute, transofrm, change, grow, embolden, darken, squander, ponder and generally become hideous outside and within? The person whom I leave is not the same as the one to whom I pledged my love.

Cleave, to hold onto
Cleave, to sever

Let us go then, you and I,
When the divorce is an obvious why
Let us go to certain marriage retreats
And hide out fear in sullen sheets
And let us go and make our visit:
Just do not ask, my love, “why is it?”

That’s not exctly how it goes but, I supoose, the general effect of my toes knows that this is the way the wind blows.

Where is my phone? I swear I heard it beep. Maybe it was the divorce allen tx family lawyer calling me up to say, “Hye, man, it’s gonnna be alright. Just do your Bob Marley impression and chillax. You’re in good hands.”

(Ok, that is pretty much the worst impression, but i am tired and these blogs are taking forever to write. Did you know that I am doing this even though- – oh, nevemrind. you’re just a robot.)

“Let us go, then!”

(Moses to Pharaoh)

You should let me out your door. You can’t love me any more. I live for now in Allen, Texas. Tomorrow, though?

Who knows???


8 Pieces of Advice to Consider Regarding Your Divorce


This short article by Attorney Laurie Giles that provides some good basic reminders concerning your contemplated or filed divorce action. An experienced-helpful divorce attorney will keep reminding you of these practical divorce tenets throughout your case:
8 Divorce Mistakes That Could Cost You a Fortune
(provided by Laurie Giles, Esq., Connecticut Divorce Education)
Financial and emotional challenges of divorce are frequently difficult. Making avoidable mistakes may well result in emotional and financial destruction.
Here are mistakes many people going through divorce often make— mistakes that can cost you a fortune.
Mistake #1 Making decisions in the heat of the moment. Making decisions when are upset or depressed, can and probably will, result in making the wrong decision. Take time to mull over issues before making decisions.
Mistake #2 Getting divorce advice from friends and family. Undoubtedly you will receive lots of advice from many different people. Some solicited, most unsolicited…

View original post 333 more words


In RE: CK blog

Texas is known as a “community property” state.  Many people that come into my office and are thinking about divorce, have heard the term community property but don’t know what community property really means.

Generally speaking, community property is property that each member of the marriage owns an undivided interest in.  Both the wife and the husband have an equal ownership interest in a marriage. At the time a divorce is entered, this property must be divided between the parties and becomes each of the parties separate property.  Often times, couples believe that if they have separate bank accounts they still have separate property.  This however, is not the case.  This can be confusing because Texas law allows for a husband and a wife to exercise sole control of community property even though both spouses technically own the property.

Under Texas law, all property acquired during marriage is presumed to…

View original post 181 more words

A Helping Hand?


Almost two weeks ago, while scrolling through my Twitter feed on a Friday afternoon, I came upon the thought processes of a recently-added friend/follower. The words leapt off the screen and grabbed me. That’s the only way to describe it. I had been keeping an eye on her timeline, watching with growing concern as the images and language became ever more desperate. She had recently undergone an operation, and was in considerable pain; this, and bipolar disorder, made her feel vulnerable and frightened. Though she had support from real-time friends, her use of Twitter as an outlet for thoughts and emotions meant she had gained a network of followers – many of whom are in similar situations with regards to mental health – who were ready and willing, at any time, to talk back.

I must admit, I had little to say at first. When we suddenly arrive into each…

View original post 1,995 more words

my friend in family law allen texas info from the court

I had a bailiff who was my friend in family law allen texas 

and he gave me info from the court.

IT was curiously written and I am not sure if he knows how right he is.


Natale Gregg, Didup, I Was In Prison, Jeremy Gregg, Attorney in Plano, best Allen divorce attorney, top Attorney in Dallas, best Family Law McKinney, Madeleine Gregg, all did up, Daddy’s Timeout, top Family Law Denton, best Fam


amily law allen tx, harper gregg, nataliegregg, best allen divorce attorney info, best attorney in allen texas, best attorney in dallas  , best attorney in plano, daddys time-out, daddys timeout, best a\

even this kid knows the best attorney in allen texas

Links to Divorce Lawyers and Family Law Attorneys in North Texas

I swear, it was the first and only time.

Here are some links to some of the top divorce lawyers and best family law attorneys in the North Texas area:

Aggressive child custody lawyer in Allen Texas

Allen Divorce Attorney

Allen Texas Child Custody Lawyer

Family Law Attorney in Allen, TX

Divorce Attorney in Dallas

Collin County Divorce Lawyer

Denton Divorce Lawyer

Divorce – Allen

Fairview Divorce Attorneys

Family Law – Allen, TX

Family Law – McKinney

Family Law – Plano

Family Law – Richardson

Frisco Divorce Attorney

Frisco Divorce Lawyer

Frisco Family Lawyer

McKinney Divorce Attorney

Plano Divorce Attorneys

Southlake Divorce Lawyer

Texan Divorce

Uncontested Divorce in Collin County, Texas

That is the truth and I stick to it. Like glue.

hey now how long does it take to get a divorce in texas

I got the hiccups like a madman

Why do they never (hiccough) say madwoman? Lord knows Bitches Be Crazy!

Ever asked yourself “how long does it take to get a divorce in texas“?

Well, now you have the answer. Check out Allen, Texas divorce lawyer Natalie Gregg‘s free blog, The Texas Family Law Blog, here on this very topic:

She also writes for Huffington Post.

They say she is some kind of Texas Super Lawyer in Dallas, Texas.

That is like a supreme extra cheesey with some jalapenos.

what the dot info?

At first I thought, I mean, Come on, who wants a dot info site. I mean, seriously, .info?

The domain name info is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. The name is derived from information indicating that the domain is intended for informative Internet resources, although registration requirements do not prescribe any theme orientation.

The info TLD was a response to ICANN‘s highly publicized announcement,[citation needed] in late 2000, of a phased release of seven new generic top-level domains. The event was the first addition of major gTLDs since the Domain Name System was developed in the 1980s. The seven new gTLDs, selected from over 180 proposals, were meant in part to take the pressure off the com domain.[1]

The info domain has been the most successful of the seven new domain names, with over 5.2 million domain names in the registry as of April 2008. After the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, theMetropolitan Transportation Authority of New York switched to the easier to remember website to lead users to latest information on schedules and route changes on the area’s transportation services. ICANN and Afilias have also sealed an agreement for country names to be reserved by ICANN under resolution 01.92.[2]

info is an unrestricted domain, meaning that anyone can obtain a second-level domain under info for any purpose, similar to the comnet or org domains. This is in contrast to TLDs such as edu or coopInfo is the only top-level domain that was explicitly created and chartered for unrestricted use, though various other TLDs became that way as a de facto situation. Info stands for information in about 37 languages, and is a neutral name.

Afilias, the registry operator of both the info and aero top-level domains, has been aggressive in its marketing of the domain, with significant registrar incentives and outreach events.

And then I was like,

Oh ya.

I seen this guy Jeremy Gregg once and he seemed like a chump.


Good times…